What's On?

2013-14 Year Planner


Monday 22nd April: Part 1- Welcome to the LGF. Part 2- Transition Journeys.(Facilitated by Frank)
Monday 27th May: MORF Social-Bowling @ Dog Bowl. *Open to SOFFA's*(Facilitated by MORF Team)

Monday 24th June: Part 1- Annual General Meeting. Part 2- Stress Management. (Facilitated by Charlie)

Monday 22nd July: Coming Out.  
(Facilitated by Lewis)
Monday 26th August: Part 1- Tea & Cake. Part 2 - Pride Vigil. *Open to SOFFA's* (Facilitated by MORF Team)

Monday 23rd September: Sexual Health for trans* guys. (Facilitated by MORF team and outside speaker)

Monday 28th October: Fluidity within the trans* spectrum. (Facilitated by Alex)

Monday 25th November: Mental health pre & post surgery. (Facilitated by Elliott & Jake)
Monday 16th December: MORF Christmas Party. 
*Open to SOFFA's* (Facilitated by MORF Team)


Monday 27th January: Fitness and Nutrition for trans* guys. (Facilitated by the MORF team)

Monday 24th February: Trans* guys in the media.
(Facilitated by the MORF team)
Monday 24th March: Metoidioplasty 101.
(Facilitated by Elliott)

Monday 28th April: One Stop Shop- Trans rights and self-advocacy. (Facilitated by Jay, Frank, & Charlie)

Monday 26th May: MORF Social (TBC).
(Facilitated by MORF Team)

Monday 23rd June: Annual General Meeting & Planning Meeting. (Facilitated by MORF Team)

We aim to provide you with more information on each session when we can, via our facebook group and monthly email reminders.

Get involved:

Every March, MORF holds it's planning meeting. This is where members suggest topics for us to cover over the coming year. If you have any suggestions for the 2014-15 Year Planner, please get in touch via email, or let us know your idea at our March 2014 planning meeting.

If you would like to facilitate a workshop for MORF, please download and fill in the below workshop proforma, then email to us at morf@morf.org.uk : Workshop proforma.

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